Student Assistance Counselor Responsibilities

The Student Assistance Counselor is responsible for school-wide coordination of the Prevention, Intervention and Postvention programs.

Prevention duties include:

  • To promote awareness of various drugs, trends and other harmful issues (posters, verbal and written information
  • To provide on-going education and training of students and faculty though workshops, speakers, booklets and classroom presentations
  • To participate in community organizations (Municipal Alliance)
  • To participate in local, state and national professional organizations
  • To act as an in-school resource for ATOD and mental health issues
  • To keep all necessary forms updated
  • To keep professional skills and information updated through attendance at workshops and reading material
  • To review in-school policies relating to ATOD and other "at risk" behaviors and edit when necessary
  • To coordinate the Peer Leadership Program
  • To coordinate the Called to Protect Program

Intervention duties include:

  • To assist teachers and counselor with referrals of "at risk" students
  • To assist parents with referrals to agencies and therapists
  • To facilitate drug testing
  • To chair the I&RS team
  • To handle all individual student crises
  • To participate as a Crisis Management Team member
  • To provide short term individual counseling
  • To provide support groups
  • To perform the duties of an Anti-Bullying Specialist

Postvention duties include:

  • To assist counselors and faculty with students' re-entry after hospitalization for drug/alcohol and/or psychological issues
  • To follow-up with doctors, therapists and referral agencies
  • To follow-up with the I&RS team
  • To write contracts to facilitate students' continued compliance with school policies
  • To follow-up with drug-testing schedules
  • To monitor closely the first weeks following re-entry
  • To provide support and guidance to students, families and staff