Upperclassmen Showcase Mentorship on Freshman Welcome Day
Posted on 09/19/2023
At St. Thomas Aquinas High School, we believe that a nurturing environment is essential for the growth and success of our students. That's why, every year, we organize a special Freshman Welcome Day called "We Are St. Thomas Aquinas Day," during which our dedicated upperclassmen spend a day with the newest members of the STA family, teaching them our traditions and helping them to settle into their new school. This inspiring day was filled with opportunities to learn school traditions, make new friends, and establish a strong foundation for a fulfilling high school journey.

Upperclassmen played a crucial role in easing the transition for our incoming freshmen. With genuine compassion and enthusiasm, an equal number of upperclassmen as freshmen volunteered their time to ensure that every new student felt a sense of belonging. By sharing their own experiences, providing guidance, and offering a helping hand, these mentors exemplified the spirit of the STA community.

Through engaging activities and interactive sessions, upperclassmen volunteers introduced the new students to the cherished traditions of our school. From sharing stories of embarrassing moments, leading exciting teamwork games, and teaching dance moves to their favorite devotional songs, these leaders helped to instill a deep connection between our freshmen and the rich heritage of our Catholic education. A scavenger hunt throughout the building helped to eliminate the mystery of where to find some key places and people.

“We Are St. Thomas Aquinas Day” also served as an invaluable opportunity for our new students to forge friendships that will last a lifetime. Through small group activities and icebreakers, freshmen were able to get to know each other as well as the upperclassmen. This bond between different grade levels not only enhances the high school experience but also encourages personal growth, empathy, and strong social connections that go beyond the classroom.

At St. Thomas Aquinas High School, we take great pride in fostering a community where every student is welcomed with open hearts and supported by compassionate mentors. “We Are St. Thomas Aquinas Day” is just one example of how we promote an environment of connection, tradition, and friendship. As parents, we invite you to join us in this transformative journey, knowing that at St. Thomas Aquinas, your child will not only receive an excellent education but also find a sense of belonging, lifelong friendships, and a strong ethical foundation for their future.

WASTA Day 2023