Junior Published in International Journal for Research Paper on AI
Posted on 06/10/2024
It’s a topic that is in the forefront of minds from academia to healthcare to business and beyond. Artificial Intelligence. And to explain where it came from and where it might be headed, St. Thomas Aquinas High School junior Vansh Soni-Silva has been published in the International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology for his research paper entitled "AI - Current Landscape and Future Predictions." This achievement is particularly inspiring as Vansh embarked on this ambitious project while recovering from surgery for a sports-related injury.

"What made me most proud was that I took a negative situation and made it into a positive. I want to encourage others to do the same," Vansh said, reflecting on his journey from adversity to achievement.

Over a concentrated period of two months, Vansh immersed himself in the world of artificial intelligence, learning how to write a research paper, delving into the history and current state of AI, and exploring the numerous fields that could be impacted by this technology. His hard work culminated not only in the acceptance of his paper by a respected international journal but also in a thought-provoking presentation to his theology class, during which he examined the ethical considerations of AI.

"It's important to establish the ethics and eliminate potential biases in AI systems before we get too far down the path," Vansh observed during his presentation. He urged his classmates to leverage their future influence to ensure that AI is used to benefit society and not to diminish opportunities for others. 

Principal Harry Ziegler praised Vansh’s accomplishment, stating, "Vansh’s dedication and intellectual curiosity are truly exemplary. His ability to turn a challenging situation into an opportunity for learning and growth is a testament to his character and determination."

This outstanding achievement not only underscores Vansh's academic abilities but also serves as an inspiration to his peers, demonstrating the power of perseverance and the importance of turning challenges into opportunities for personal and intellectual growth.